Scrapbooking layout: A perfect opera night



Some years ago there was a big buzz around adult colouring books. I also purchased mine, and enjoyed the relaxing mindfulness of colouring. For a paper crafter that joyful state of mind was nothing new; we already knew how good it felt to play with colours and to create something beautiful. 

Among the adult colouring books I noticed several with mandala images. I was not too interested in those, but I understood the point: working on a symmetrical, balanced image would probably strengthen the mindfulness experience.  

Even if I did not purchase a mandala colouring book my opinion of similar images is changing and I've clearly become attracted to symmetrical layouts. They no longer appear boring to me, but pleasant, sweet and easy on the eye. Of course the entire composition should not be fully symmetric, but also contain elements that break the symmetry rules or appear an odd number of times on the project.😊

Maybe all the above is the reason why I like this layout so much. The background pattern was cut using a Paige Evans cut file (shared in her Fb page for interNational Scrapbooking Day 2023), backed with pieces of scrap paper (colours carefully selected!). A few embellishments only, and the page was ready.

I need to create another one with the same cut file.

What about you: are you a fan of symmetry?