Magical surprises: Card and ATC


Stamping masking technique is a fun way to create stamped collages by combining and merging several stamps into one artwork. No special supplies are needed, only a few Post-it note sheets for the self-made masks. Post-it notes are handy for this technique as the sticky edge keeps the mask nicely in place. However, also regular scrap paper can very well be used.

First I stamp the main images on the Post-it notes and cut out. Main images are the ones that appear in the front of the card/tag.

Then I stamp the main images on the card background. I cover the stamped images with the self-made masks and ink and decorate the background with stencils. With the masks still in place I stamp the background patterns and once finished I remove the masks.

I usually colour the main images after stamping. This time I used colour pencils for colouring.

All these stamps are included in a lovely Carabelle Studio set 'Etude #1: Femme & Oiseau'. 

Thanks for stopping by! Wishing you a nice day!