In October 2018 I had the great pleasure to join a group of friends on a creative weekend in Egersund, Norway. Linda and Brit, our wonderful hosts, had managed to invite Louise Nelson from Australia to teach at Okka Treff. I booked my spot immediately after the classes were available; I could not miss that rare opportunity!
Unfortunately my weekend had a rocky start. I was supposed to take the early morning flight via Oslo to Stavanger but due to technical reasons the plane left Helsinki only late in the afternoon. After a horrible customer experience by the airline company (waiting for hours standing in the queue, no proper information of anything, no food nor drinks etc.) we finally took off six hours later. I was booked on a very tight connecting flight to Stavanger, so naturally my luggage was left behind somewhere in Oslo.
Had that been a 'regular' holiday trip without the family I probably would have managed one evening quite ok even without my baggage. The problem was that I was joining art classes, and ALL my supplies were in the luggage. Paints, scissors, pens, papers, ... Everything! 
My wonderful crafty friends came to help. People lended me tools to work with, and generously provided me plenty of supplies and materials so that I could participate in the workshops fully.
Without them my weekend would have been quite miseable as the luggage only arrived late on Saturday. So once again thank you everyone (and special extra thanks to Riikka and Linda for really making my weekend ❤)
However, the additional hazzle with the luggage did not manage to dim the weekend sparkle. Louise is an amazing artist, a very good teacher and also the sweetest person. The workshops were packed with inspiration as we were introduced to many different techniques: During the weekend I painted portraits, created lots of mono printed patterned pages, experimented in mark making, tried stamp carving for the first time, and managed to finish five (!!) scrapbooking layouts. And enjoyed every minute!
When going through pictures of that weekend I realized how much I miss my crafty friends. I'm so much hoping life will get back to normal and I will get so see you all soon again!
Oo, hienoja sivuja! En muistanutkaan että tuo Norjan-reissusi oli niin hankala :O Kiva kun päivität taas blogia!
ReplyDeleteVoi, miten kiva että löysit tänne! Olen itse innoissani tästä bloggaamisen uudelleenkäynnistyksestä. Ja on kiva päästä taas jakamaan töitään toisten harrastajien kanssa.
DeleteNorjan-reissu oli kyllä ikimuistoinen monella tapaa. Matkustan töiden puolesta tosi paljon, ja hankaluuksia on äärimmäisen harvoin. Oli tosi kurjaa, että kaikki mahdollinen kasaantui tähän yhteen, minulle niin tärkeään reissuun!
Muistan, kuinka Lindan kanssa juoksimme lauantaiaamuna ristiin rastiin vielä nukkuvan Egersundin pientä keskustaa ja yritimme metsästää joitakin välttämättömyystarpeita niistä parista kaupasta, jotka olivat avanneet ovensa jo kahdeksan, yhdeksän aikaan. Oli varsinainen ihme, että kurssin alkaessa kymmeneltä oli pakolliset hankinnat saatu tehtyä! :D
Onni tässä onnettomuudessa oli, että sain väännettyä lentoyhtiön kanssa sopimuksen, jonka mukaan he korvasivat minulle normi-viivästyskorvauksen lisäksi taidetarvikkeita NOK 2500 arvosta. Pääsin sen turvin tekemään välttämättömyyshankintoja myös Brit:n kaupasta, eikä ihan kaikkea tarvinnut enää lauantaina vieruskavereilta lainata :D