Layout for October Jehkotar CraftChallenge: Traveler

Beginning of October has been quite busy but in a good way; I have spent lot of time in our garden, planting and preparing the flowerbeds for winter. I have a feeling that winter will be here really soon; last night the temperature dropped already below zero!

Cold weather makes you dream about travelling somewhere nice, where you don't yet have to wear your winter jacket. Unfortunately I will have to wait some time for the next vacation, and my recent business trips have not taken me any further than Stockholm where the weather is very similar to ours in Helsinki. I guess I just need to continue dreaming!

Jehkotar October Craft Challenge gave us a moodboard with a song called 'Traveler'. Inspired by that song and the world maps you see on the airplane magazines showing the flight routs I made this layout:

The world map is cut from a Studio Calico paper (Galileo from June '15 kit) and glued on cream coloured background. I marked some of the places I have visited, and connected the city to my home city with a stitched line.

The page did not need too much decorating; I just added some stamped elements (plane heat embossed with white powder on black cardstock) and the layered photo. The most time consuming step was the sewing of the 'flight route' lines, but I like the outcome and think it was worth the effort :)

The photo is one of my favourite travel photos, a selfie I took on the plane.

On the world map there are several places I have not visited yet. But those for sure are on my (bucket) list!

Wishing you a great day,

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