Halloween with Mr Bone Jangles

Hi and Happy Wednesday,
Less than two weeks to Halloween! Wow!
Even if Halloween is not such a big thing in Finland I can feel the Halloween excitment rising as my kids are making plans for their Halloween parties. Their joy and eagerness is so contagious.

I haven't made too many Halloween themed paper crafting projects in the past, but the recent stamp set, 'Mr Bone Jangles' by Visible Image got me inspired. Funny how those skulls and skeletons are at the same time creepy and cute! I used the large skull for a Halloween themed tag:

The size 8 tag base is die-cut twice; once from orange cardstock and once from black texture paper. Before attaching the tags I tore the paper on top and bottom edges, revealing a bit of the orange background after the tags were glued together. While waiting for the glue to dry I dry brushed a hint of white gesso on the black background. A very thin layer of white gesso is always an easy way to highlight the main items.

I stamped the skull on white cardstock and coloured it with grey and yellow markers. After colouring I removed the eye and nose areas with a crafting knife and fuzzy cut the skull out. For creating more dimenstion on the card I pressed the edges of the skull with a stylus, and attached the image on a piece of black cardstock with 3D foam pads.

The little spiders I had bought from a local 'Tiger' store that sells fun decoration items for low prices. After gluing them on the tag I brushed some white gesso on them, too.

The tag turned out just the way I wanted. Creepy spooky, but fun!

Wishing you a sunny October day! Thanks for visiting my blog!